The Daily Facts applauds the Common Vision Coalition, the City Council and the Redlands Police Department for the Responsible Redlands initiative, especially the Social Host Ordinance.
The program addresses underage drinking not merely by seeking out offenders and imposing justice, but through a thoughtful, research-based strategy of education, prevention and community involvement.
This is a good use of time and resources.
This homecoming season nationwide there will be thousands of deaths, as there are every year, and hundreds of thousands of serious injuries. Teen alcohol use associated with the occasion leads to impaired judgment, increased risk for physical and sexual assault. There are negative effects on brain development, memory loss, lower academic performance, more school absences, and risk of lifelong alcohol problems, because irresponsible drinking in many families and communities is not being addressed.
But Redlands has taken a proactive approach.
Redlands’ social host ordinance, promoted by the Common Vision Coalition under Mario Saucedo’s leadership and passed unanimously by the City Council, works to curb underage drinking by making it illegal to provide a place where minors consume alcohol or drugs.
Adding to the ordinance’s strength are the large fines that the Police Department may impose, which increase for repeat offenders. A host cited twice in one year may also be charged costs for law enforcement, fire, or other emergency providers, which can amount to thousands of dollars.
It’s a powerful ordinance and its adoption was prudent.
Not only is this apparently deterring adults from supporting teen drinking, but the initiative raises awareness in homes. It keeps the conversation going.
Redlands is one of only about 50 cities in California to have such an ordinance. A national study conducted in 2014 indicates a correlation between social host laws and reduction i
in underage drinking.
Redlands data support the probability that the ordinance is the cause: RPD reports that there has been a 31 percent decrease in party calls since the ordinance was adopted. The Responsible Redlands program, which includes many other elements, helps our town be a model for positive stewardship of its young residents. Credit also goes to the Police Department not just for enforcing the ordinance, but for working to get the message to the community, and being assertive in gaining the program’s funding. Local teens, and all of Redlands, are safer because of the initiative shown by the ordinance’s proponents and those who had the wisdom to support it.
Great job.